Welcome to Naxos
Matina Naxos Studios
Reasons to Book Direct
Book with us directly and you’ll receive the best service, local Knowledge & Help, You’ll Get the Best Price, Without Any Hidden Fees.
Best Rates
Best price, Secure deposit, Hassle-free reservations & cancellations.
Flexible Check In-Out
When you Book Direct, you Enjoy, Early or Late check-in / out based on availability.
Matina Studios at Saint George Beach
Our Studios are situated at south-west part of Naxos Town (Chora) just 300 meters from the beautiful beach of Saint George. Our location is ideal, close to every major points of interest in Naxos Town and within walkable distance.
Our guest enjoy the “warm” Naxian hospitality for a relaxed stress free holiday. Matina & Thanasis is here for you!